Update August 9th 2021
To prevent the spread of the disease, our current working procedure for therapy sessions are:
We are able to offer face to face sessions for adults who can attend by themselves only.
- As with other retail premises, clients must continue to wear a face covering when entering the building.
- Clients should bring their own water to drink and tissues for their own use.
- Sessions will strictly last one hour or slightly less.
- Clients should wait in the waiting room or outside if the weather is good.
- Please ensure you arrive at your appointment time.
- Clean your hands. Please use the hand sanitiser station when entering and leaving.
- If you feel ill – Stay at Home and reschedule your appointment. We will test your temperature when you arrive and if we have reason to believe you to be unwell we will not provide treatment.
- We appreciate your assistance in helping to keep everyone safe.
If you do not wish to do either online sessions or face to face sessions, we also offer a personalised therapy recording service or a range of general therapy recordings which can be used to help with relaxation.
If you wish to purchase a recording please contact us and we will direct you to the correct recording for your problem.
To book a session call on 01506 830190 or email us on rae@hypnotherapyscotland.co.uk