Course Prospectus

Diploma in Advanced Clinical Hypnosis and Mind Therapies Dip (ACHMT)

NCH Hypnotherapy in Practitice Diploma (HPD)

SAHMT Certificate in Hypnosis and Mindfulness

SAHMT Certificate in Hypnosis with Energy Psychology

SAHMT Certificate in Practicing Online Therapy.

Successful completion of our ten month course gives you the four Qualifications above.

Our course is open to anyone who can satisfy ONE of the following entry requirements:

A) A University Degree (Preferably in Psychology, Medicine, Social Science or Education)
B) A Professional Qualification in the Helping Professions (ie Nursing, Social Work, etc)
C) 3 Highers or 6 Nat 5
D) Those without formal qualifications will be assessed to determine if the candidate will be able to cope with the demands of the course work.

First and foremost, we look for students who can demonstrate empathy, compassion, integrity, excellent communication and interpersonal skills. In addition, you need to complete the HPD Portfoilio. This is a portfolio of written work which is based on the National Occupation Standards.(NOS). The HPD is an equivalent NVQ level 4 qualification and is required to become a CNHC voluntary regulated therapist. We interview all our students to ensure they will be able to produce the required work. We are able to help students who may not have studied for a long time or lack confidence in writing.

Course Structure

The course is structured over 10 weekends, covering 10 modules and typically follows this structure:

1. Introduction to Hypnotherapy

2. The therapeutic relationship

3. Assessing the client, introductions to CBT

4.Self- hypnosis and self help and traditional hypnotherapy practice

5. Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, Pain and IBS, Intro to Mindfulness

6. Smoking and weight control and other “Problematic  Habits”

7. Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP Techniques

8. Intro to Analytical Hypnosis and Regression

9. Practice Management and Marketing

10. Practical Assessment (run through of complete Therapy process) Finishing off written work.

As this course is constantly updated, this list only represents a sample of what is covered. Other cutting edge techniques will be taught in order to keep the student at the forefront of hypnosis for therapeutic changework.

We always try to accommodate people who want to start training and wherever possible we will get you started on your training as soon as possible. Sometimes its possible to join a course that is currently underway so speak to us about your requirements.

Hypnotherapy is an art and involves both theoretical and practical based study. We believe that it is very important for a student to understand theory and to be able to use tools that work in the therapy room.

In addition to the classroom attendance, students are required to submit a portfolio of work which includes a question paper, a series of hypothetical situations for which you plan treatment and a statement of personal and professional philosophy. Our Diploma Course meets the requirements for the externally accredited NCH Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma awarded by the National Council for Hypnotherapy. This is a level 4 Vocational award.

Introduction to Hypnotherapy and using self hypnosis (Non certificated) 1 day £500

Whilst we always encourage trainees to complete our full Dip AHMT course if they wish to work as a Hypnotherapist, we sometimes have applicants who are not ready to commit to studying to the HPD level and perhaps just have a casual interest in hypnotherapy and want to learn how to do self-hypnosis. We can offer a one day introduction to the subject and teach you how to hypnotise yourself.