q. How much does it cost to train to be a Hypnotherapist?
a. The Diploma in Advanced Clinical Hypnosis and Mind Techniques, Dip.(ACHMT) including the NCH HPD fee for ten weekends including deposit and certification is £2380.
This can either be paid in one sum at the beginning for which we will give you a discount of £100, or it can be paid in monthly instalments of £228 through standing order. This unique course includes the teaching of techniques in Energy Psychology, Mindfulness, CBT Techniques and other extras that are useful in the therapy room.
We require a non returnable deposit of £100 after interview to hold your place.
q. How much do I need to attend?
a. At the moment our course is being help online through Zoom. We will resume classroom training as soon as it is safe to do so. You need to attend our training venue near Linlithgow for one weekend per month for ten weekends and complete a written portfolio. Course attendance must be a minimum of 80%. There are no written exams. Assessment is through practical exercises and HPD portfolio work.
q. Will this qualify me to work as a Hypnotherapist?
a. Yes, the course is a Diploma in Advanced Clinical Hypnosis and Mind Techniques and includes the National Council for Hypnotherapy HPD (Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma) (NVQ level 4 equivalent) which surpasses the requirements for working as a registered therapist in the UK.
We have been successfully training in Scotland since 2000 and the material offers probably the most comprehensive training available in Scotland. There are also two trainers on the course who will bring you a breadth of knowledge.We have trained people from many different backgrounds, from GPs, Psychologists and nurses through to teachers, IT, banking, sales, marketing, Alternative and Complementary Therapists and many others. Often people want to change career or are not quite ready to retire and require an interesting job which can fit around them.
q. How do I know you are legitimate?
a. We are fully accredited as a training school by The National Council For Hypnotherapy and NCFE, As well as being accredited by the British Institute for Hypnotherapy and NLP. we are listed on their site under training providers at https://www.hypnotherapists.org.uk/training/nch-accredited-schools/
You can also find us on THE Regulator’s Website CNHC under Therapists.
You can call us and ask any questions you might have about our training.
There is more information regarding course content on Course prospectus pages.
q.There are other much shorter and cheaper courses, and online courses in hypnotherapy so why is your course 10 months long?
a. How confident would you feel driving a real car if you had only learned to drive by playing a computer game? and how confident would you feel if you had to sit your driving test after only one week of driving?
It’s basically the same with our profession. Our course is a proper course with proper “grown up” recognised qualifications. It’s designed to help you reach a level of competence and confidence that will allow you to be a safe and ethical practitioner.
If you want to work as a professional therapist, there is a lot to learn. You are going to be working with people who sometimes have very complex needs due to mental issues and other problems. In our experience of teaching, we do not believe that training for a few days or a few weeks is adequate to keep you and your clients safe.
In fact, we used to offer intensive training but we found that even very highly qualified people such as GPs and Psychologists struggled to gain confidence in using the requisite skills by doing intensive training.
q. I’m not sure I want to study for 10 months, is there a quicker way?
We know that some people simply want to learn how to hypnotise themselves and to have an introduction to Hypnotherapy. We have therefore recently introduced the training described below.
Introduction to Hypnotherapy and using self hypnosis (Non certificated) 1 day £500
Whilst we always encourage trainees to complete our full Dip AHMT course if they wish to work as a Hypnotherapist, we sometimes have applicants who are not ready to commit to studying to the HPD level and perhaps just have a casual interest in hypnotherapy and want to learn how to do self-hypnosis. We can offer you a one day introduction to the subject and teach you how to hypnotise yourself. For more information on this course please contact Rae on h@therapycentre.com